Thursday 9 April 2020


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schools are using different online methods for remote learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

School across Indonesia has shut down due to the spread of COVID-19,  Many districts are transitioning to remote learning — even for kindergarten students who are as young as five and six years old. 
all school have been trying out different teaching methods, learning what works the best for her group of kids. Using video messaging programs has been extremely helpful for keeping in touch, as it's the only method of connection the students have with their teacher and with their friends. "This is so important,They need to know that we are still a class family even though we can't be together in person."
But adapting to new methods of teaching has been a challenge. Here some online methods that familiar and it is used some of school (Kindergarten or elementary school)
1. Zoom Live Streaming
Now that online teaching is the norm, many teachers are turning to Zoom. It’s an amazing resource.
Get free access

Typically, the free “Basic” version of Zoom has a limit of 40 minutes for three or more participants. Now, K-12 students and teachers can get unlimited meeting minutes. Go to and click the “Sign Up, It’s Free” button. Enter your school email address. You’ll then get an email from Zoom with a button to activate your account.
2. Google Hangout meet
Google Hangouts Meet is a video conferencing tool developed by Google that allows users to collaborate at a distance, instant message, video chat, and share photos, computer screens, and files. Google Hangouts allows conversations among up to 10 users at the same time. It can be accessed online or through mobile apps available for iOS and Android. Chat histories and files are saved online, and they are available to be synced between different devices. For educators, Google Hangouts is a great tool to engage students in collaboration outside of the classroom. It overcomes geographical barriers and provides more opportunities for face-to-face communication
“How to” guide, we are going to learn how to use the Google Hangouts Meet app to both run online lessons and have essential remote meetings with colleagues.
Google Hangouts Meet is a brilliant app, that can make remote teaching very easy. You can lead your class just like you would do in the classroom. I have found it very easy to use and very effective as a teaching tool.
STOP PRESS: Google Hangouts Meet is usually a paid tool. However, Google have made Hangouts Meet FREE until the end of July 2020 to help teachers who are remote teaching because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
3. Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a blended learning platform for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. Google Classroom is a free application designed to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments

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Monday 27 May 2019

Graduation song "two little words"

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Monday 20 May 2019

The Legend of Nian

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edited by Wayan Sudiarta,M.Pd.

Everyone run! the monster Nian hid in deep-sea throughout the year.  Whoooooooo!

But every year's eve, he came to town, leaving them ravaged.

He flew up in the sky. "I am hungry! There is no food here. "

"Hi, tell everyone Nian is coming, Hurry up!". The predator prayed upon men and animal.

"Quack! Quack!" Said the duck. "Help! Help! ouch!"

"Yum... Yum... delicious! Nian returned to the sea not to be seen for another year. It became a routine for people to flee to the mountain on new year's Eve.

"haste, not time to waste!

"oink...oink... "said the pig.

Moo... Moo... said the cow.

Along came an old man, one of the women said "We must go to the mountain. The monster Nian will come to the town. Come with us to the mountain".

"If you let me stay in your house, I will cast away this monster Nian". Said The man.

"You don't know a thing about the monster. A single whip of its tail wipes out dozens of the men. I see no way how you can deal with it.

"Grandma, let's get going. Nian may pop in any second." Said her granddaughter.

The man keeps asking " If you don't mind may I stay in your house for the night?"

Well, yes, you could stay" replied the woman. "I hope the monster does not find you."

"Thank you very much. No worries about it."

"Take care and see you soon!"

finnaly, The nian came to the town. "is it empty town? Empty time, empty stomach.

Hmm? What's that?

Dor! dor! dor! Blash off..... Blar! Blar!

"Ouch! My eyes! I am strong. I am not scared with you!' Munch... munch... munch..., The Nian ate firework. He thought it was an enemy.

"It's hurting me, Please stop it!"

"Ha..ha..ha.. Go away silly creature!" screamed the man.

"what in the world is that!" The Nian ran from the town.

The next day, all the netizens were back to the town. "This is weird. There's no trace of Nian. but, look! That house is certainly unusual. Indeed, he had cast away the evil monster Nian!"

"Good to see you alive!" said the woman to the man.  "Thank God, I was not hurt. Since then, people began to celebrate the victory of Nian. It has become a custom to write aphorism in red ink. In addition to playing a fireworks on new year's eve.

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Monday 15 April 2019

Indonesia Folktale - The Ant and The Elephant

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Edited by I Wayan Sudiarta, M.Pd.

Once upon a time there lived an elephant, the elephant lived in a forest. He was a very big elephant and he was proud of his size.

He made lots of trouble for other animals in the forest.

He chased a rabbit around until it fell down.

One day he walked through the forest.

He saw a parrot sat on a tree.

"Ha..ha..ha.. what are you doing there? Didn't you see me passing through? I am the most powerful animal in the forest. You must bow down to me!" said the Elephant

"What ? Why I should bow down to you?" Replied the parrot.

"You don't know who you are talking you? I will teach you how to respect me!"  said the elephant.   The parrot wouldn't bow down to the elephant.

The elephant was so angry,  he picked up the whole tree and began to shake it. "Now can you see what can I do? All of you are so weak compared to me."

The elephant proudly walked away and went to the river to drink water.

Just beside the river, there lived some ants in a small ant hill. Everyday the ants would collect food.

Everyday the elephant would bother the ants. When the elephant was drinking water, he saw an ant, "Hey.. you tiny ant! Where are you taking that food?"

"I have to take this food home but it will start raining soon. I have a problem as I have to stay here   to prepare and collect more food."

"Ha..ha..ha.. I see", said the elephant. Then the elephant drew water into his big trunk and sprayed it onto the ant and her food.

"Ouch...!!!" The ant was completely wet and all the food was spoiled.

"Ha..ha..ha.. ", the elephant laughed.

"Hey elephant! I will teach you a lesson one day!" said the ant.

"Oh, I am so scared! A tiny ant wants to teach me a lesson. Go away...I will crush you under my feet. Go back to your tiny house!" shouted the elephant.

The tiny ant was very angry at the big elephant. He thought, "I will have to do something to the elephant. He can't keep troubling everyone like that."

The next day, as the ant went out to collect more food, she saw the elephant sleeping. She immediately came up with a plan. She quietly creeped up beside him and slipped inside his trunk. Once inside, she began to bite him. She kept biting the elephant until he woke up and started scream in pain.

"Ouchhhh! My trunk hurts so bad, who is inside my trunk? Get out of my trunk, it hurts so much."  The elephant thought he was dying and he began to cry.

The elephant was shocked that a tiny ant could hurt him. He was so afraid that the ant would bite him again and so, finally he began to apologize.

"Please forgive me! I will never trouble you again!" promised the elephant.

The elephant understood his mistake. He went away and he never troubled anybody again.

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Wednesday 10 April 2019


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Are you looking for the games and activities for easter day? You could do at home with your family. I would like to share through this article.


#1- The most favorite activity is outdoor Egg treasure Hunt game.

What the materials :
Boiled Egg or chocolate egg
note paper

How : 
Write clues that send your kids around the house searching for the next location where they'll find a clue (e.g., Run really fast, use your legs, this is where we keep the eggs). 
Hide the clues in eggs and put a number on each of the eggs so they don't accidentally skip an egg in their searching. Have the clues lead to be a bigger prize  at the end, one for each kid, or one that everyone can share.

#2 - Golden Ticket Easter Egg Hunt
Hiding a golden ticket for each of your kids in one egg, so if you have three kids you would have three eggs with golden tickets inside. Tell your kids that they can only find one golden ticket.
if your kids aren't the "open as I find it" kind of kids, you can also put a golder star or something on the outside of the egg so they know when they find a golden ticket egg.

Once they find a golden ticket, they can immediately (or after the hunt is over) trade is in for a bigger prize.




#3 -  CRAFT

Celebrate Easter in a fun activity at Mercure Resort Hotel Sanur Bali. Make your Easter day a memorable one for your children. There will be egg hunt, egg decoration, bunny's craft, kid's pool game, face painting and Easter egg pinata. And enjoy roasted lunch selection only 175k
What's app Wera 087757305689 for any question.

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Friday 29 March 2019

Approaches - Early Childhood Education

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As the new school year begins. Many families are deciding where to enroll their cild in preschool. preschools offer various approaches to early education, all promoting the benefit of their particular programs. 

One approach gaining momentum in the early years of preschool curriculum is play-based learning. Research shows play-based learning enhances developmental learning outcomes. It can also set your child up for success by teaching them relevant skills.

What is play-based learning?

Children are naturally motivated to play. A play based program builds on this motivation, using play as a context for learning. In this context, children can explore, experiment, discover and solve problems in imaginative and playful ways.

A play-based approach involves both child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. the teacher encourages children's learning and inquiry through interactions that aim to stretch their thinking to higher levels.

For example, while children are playing with blocks, a teacher can pose questions that encourage problem solving, prediction and hypothesis. The teacher can also bring the child's awareness towards mathematics, science and literacy concepts, allowing them to engage with such concepts through hands-on learning.

While further evidence is needed on cause and effect relationships between play and learning, research findings generally support the value of good quality play-based early year programs.

research has shown the long-term benefits of high-quality play-based kindergarten programs, where children are exposed to learning and problem solving through self- initiated activities and teacher guidance.

In contrast to play-based learning are teacher- centred approaches focused on instructing young children in basic academic skills. Although this more structured teaching and learning style is the traditional approach to primary school programs, research is emerging that play-based learning is more effective in preschool and primary school programs. In these recent studies, children's ;earning outcomes are shown to be higher in a play-based program compared to children's learning outcomes in direct-instruction approaches.

Research has also identified young children in direct-instruction programs can experience negative effects. These include stress, decreased motivated for learning, and behaviour problems. This is particularly so for children who are not yet ready for more formal academic instruction.

what can be gained through play-based programs?

As with traditional approaches, play-based early years programs are focused on teaching and learning. In such programs, play can be in the form of free play (activity that is spontaneous and directed by the child), and guided play (also child-directed, but the teacher is involved in the activity as a co-player) with intention teaching. Both have benefits for children's learning. To capitalise on these benefits, an optimum play-based program will provide opportunities for both free play and guided play. 

Play-based learning can set your child up for success at school and beyond.

Natalie Robertson, Anne-Marei Morrissey, Elizabeth Rouse, Deakin University

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Tuesday 19 March 2019

Development : Newborn to Six Weeks

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Development : Newborn

Gross Motor 

When your newborn lies her tummy, you will notice she lies with her arms and legs curled up because of the way she has been lying in the womb. If she was born bottom-first, her legs will not curl up as much. Most newborns lift their heads while they are on their tummies and turn it from side if only for a second. They do this to "gain their balance". If you lie her on her back and pull her gently towards you, her head will fall back behind her body. This is called 'head lag' and is why it's important to support your baby's head when she is being held, fed or bathed. 

Fine motor and vision

  • Fine Motor : Your baby grasps objects that come in contact with the palm of her hand. 
  • Vision : Your baby is able to see from birth. Young babies are short-sighted, so brightness and movement will attract your baby's attention and faces and eyes are the things she focuses on best. Hold your face close to her face, move it slightly from side to side and watch how she follows you with her eyes. Do it any time after birth when she is relaxed and alert.  

Hearing and Speech

  • Hearing : Your baby is able to detect a loud noise and respond with reflex ( a jump) from birth, but you will find her response is not there for every sudden loud noise. When she is sleeping deeply, crying, distracted or feeding, a sudden noise will often make no impression whatsoever. You may find when you try to make her jump by clapping or banging a door there is no response, so don't worry the life out of yourself by continually trying to 'test her hearing'. After a few weeks you will start to notice she does respond to noises such as an adult coughing or sneezing, keys rattling or a dog barking. Newborns respond selectively to different sorts of sounds. A soft noise such as a 'whooshing' , music or a lullaby can soothe and calm your baby while a loud, jarring noise has the reverse effect6. She will also stop crying at times to listen to your voice.

  • Speech : Until your baby starts to coo and make other noises from about six weeks, crying is her only vocalisation, although not her only form of communication. She does have more subtle ways of communicating such as grasping your finger, staring intently at your face and coming off the breast when she wants to, but crying is the form of communication you're likely to be most aware of in the early weeks. The amount and duration of crying is highly variable between babies. Some babies cry infrequently and only then for an obvious reason, others confuse and bewilder everyone by crying for long periods of time for reasons impossibles to work out.  Baby sign language is very popular. It is collection of easy to remember simple gestures (sighs) that babies can learn to use before they can speak. The aim of baby sign language is to be able to communicate in meaningful ways with babies and so find out what is troubling them and fulfill their every need. The companies involved in selling the baby sign language method(s) claim a host of advantages such as IQ enhancement, an ability with languages and reduction of temper tantrums, tear and frustration. The research cited to support the seemingly amazing benefits of baby signing has predominately been conducted by psychologies who have vested commercial interests in the system. But to be fair, there is also plenty of anecdotal praise for baby signing from parents world-wide. 

Social behaviour and play

Many of your baby's reflexes are outside her control, but you will notice there are times when her response to things is intentional. Research in the last twenty years shows that newborn babies are capable of responding purposefully and making choices. Responding to your voice and being comforted by rocking, sucking, cuddling or skin-to-skin contact are all very your age babies frequently reject water but drink breastmilk or formula eagerly. 

Development : Six Weeks

Gross Motor
By six weeks your baby has noticeably more head control, so you will find you don't have to support her head as much when you lift and hold her.

Hearing and Speech

  • Hearing : Sudden will make your baby jump, although there are still times when she doesn't respond.
  • Speech : Between five and eight weeks she will start to make beautiful gurgling, cooing noises when you talk to her. The first responsive noises babies make are magical sounds.

Social behaviour and play

Along with the cooing noises the first smile appears - and what a moment that is! A small number of babies smile as early as ten days. People love to refer to early smiling as "wind". A non-communicative grimace, which is very common for babies to do, especially when they are sleeping, is not a smile (nor is it "wind") ; but when baby looks at you and smiles in a way that is definitely communicative, ignore suggestions of "wind" - it is a smile! 'the average age for the first smile is between five to eight weeks.

Read also 'Development; three months
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