Monday 27 May 2019

Graduation song "two little words"

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Monday 20 May 2019

The Legend of Nian

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edited by Wayan Sudiarta,M.Pd.

Everyone run! the monster Nian hid in deep-sea throughout the year.  Whoooooooo!

But every year's eve, he came to town, leaving them ravaged.

He flew up in the sky. "I am hungry! There is no food here. "

"Hi, tell everyone Nian is coming, Hurry up!". The predator prayed upon men and animal.

"Quack! Quack!" Said the duck. "Help! Help! ouch!"

"Yum... Yum... delicious! Nian returned to the sea not to be seen for another year. It became a routine for people to flee to the mountain on new year's Eve.

"haste, not time to waste!

"oink...oink... "said the pig.

Moo... Moo... said the cow.

Along came an old man, one of the women said "We must go to the mountain. The monster Nian will come to the town. Come with us to the mountain".

"If you let me stay in your house, I will cast away this monster Nian". Said The man.

"You don't know a thing about the monster. A single whip of its tail wipes out dozens of the men. I see no way how you can deal with it.

"Grandma, let's get going. Nian may pop in any second." Said her granddaughter.

The man keeps asking " If you don't mind may I stay in your house for the night?"

Well, yes, you could stay" replied the woman. "I hope the monster does not find you."

"Thank you very much. No worries about it."

"Take care and see you soon!"

finnaly, The nian came to the town. "is it empty town? Empty time, empty stomach.

Hmm? What's that?

Dor! dor! dor! Blash off..... Blar! Blar!

"Ouch! My eyes! I am strong. I am not scared with you!' Munch... munch... munch..., The Nian ate firework. He thought it was an enemy.

"It's hurting me, Please stop it!"

"Ha..ha..ha.. Go away silly creature!" screamed the man.

"what in the world is that!" The Nian ran from the town.

The next day, all the netizens were back to the town. "This is weird. There's no trace of Nian. but, look! That house is certainly unusual. Indeed, he had cast away the evil monster Nian!"

"Good to see you alive!" said the woman to the man.  "Thank God, I was not hurt. Since then, people began to celebrate the victory of Nian. It has become a custom to write aphorism in red ink. In addition to playing a fireworks on new year's eve.

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