Wednesday 24 October 2018

Preconception Care

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Parents' own health can effect that of their baby so aim to be in the best health possible for at least three months before conception,

Women are advised to avoid or limit alcohol. No level of alcohol can be considered 100% safe so you may choose to avoid it completely. The risk is highest from conception through the first weeks so you need to take care if there is any chance of your becoming pregnant. Alcohol travels through the mother's blood stream to her developing baby. Each mother and baby can be damaged by a particular level of alcohol. Each reacts individually to alcohol so it is difficult to know how little or how much will cause harm. At all times avoid a high blood alcohol level before and throughout pregnancy. Never become intoxicated. 

If women does drink alcohol, present research suggests that averaging less than one standard drink daily shows no measurable effect on the baby's physical and mental Growth development. She should not exceed two standard drinks in any one day and these should be taken slowly over a period of at least two hours. She should have less than seven standard drinks over a week. 

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), have published information on guidelines for women who drink alcohol who are pregnant or might soon become pregnant.

To maximize health during pregnancy you can also :

  • Choose a wide range of food and limit caffeine intake;
  • take a folic acid supplement as recommended by your health adviser. When taken before conception and in early pregnancy it helps to guard against neural tube defects such as spina-bifida;
  • take no illicit drugs.
  • if possible avoid any drugs including over-the-counter medications. If you take routine medication or do need prescribed medication for a temporary condition do let your doctor know that you are hoping to become, or may be pregnancy;
  • balance exercise and rest; and
  • do not smoke particularly during pregnancy and your baby's first year.
Do not share a bed or room with your baby if either you or your partner smoke, do not allow other people to smoke near your baby and avoid any area where people are smoking.
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Monday 22 October 2018

Preparing for Parenting

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If you are planning to have a baby or you are already pregnant, it can be helpful recognize that there will be inevitable changes when you become a parent. You will be thrust into a new and vitally important role which will absorb massive amounts of your time and energy as you provide the nurturing-the loving care and guidance which your baby need. This responsibility will continue for many years and you can expect your emotional ties to bind you permanently. The demands will be great but the rewards can make all the effort worthwhile. 

Sometimes a baby is conceived accidentally and parents' feelings can be very mixed. The initial reaction can be delight but it may cause dismay and even panic depending on the circumstances at the time. Following the initial shock it is often possible to accept the fact that a baby is coming and concentrate on ways to adapt to the reality and move on to accept and, in time, even enjoy the pregnancy.

Before your baby is born you could think or some ways to make life simpler and consider new plans you need to make. For example think how you can minimise housework and streamline shopping and cooking, how you can obtain the rest you need you need as you manage your baby's frequent feeding and wakeful times. You could investigate child care facilities if you plan to return to work outside you home. It can be helpful to attend to some of the paper work which must be done -e.g. fill out form for family Tax Benefit (and parenting Allowance if applicable).Know that you will be continually learning. It is likely that your daily routine will often be turned upside down and you may feel that you are no longer control. If you can accept this, and even find something to laugh about, you can expect life to become easier as time passes. Parents need to talk together, negotiate differences and find ways to have some "time out" alone and with each other. Lone parents really do need special support. Apart from regaining strength following the birth. Lone parents have the sole responsibility of the new baby whom they are learning to know and care for plus all the normal day to day chores. Somehow find a way of taking needed rest whenever possible particularly during the first six weeks. Enlist friends and family and look for outside help. You can contact Lone Parents Family Support and other such groups. 

If you understand, before your baby arrives, that mixed feelings are normal - joy and delight one minute, anxiety and frustration the next--you can be accepting of these feelings. If you are able to make adjustments without feeling guilty you will be able to plan and make decision to benefit you all.

When planning to have a baby you can aim to:

  • have good health before conception and during pregnancy,
  • produce a healthy baby as easily as possible,
  • regain strength rapidly following birth, and
  • begin caring effectively for this new individual.
You will do these things best if you plan well and have a realxed understanding of yourself and your own reactions to new situations. It is important not to have rigid expectations of the experience ahead.

Obtaining information is the basic for planning and understanding. You need to feel confident that the information you receive is sound. Identify the types of care available and question anything you feel is unclear or you doubt. You will then be in a position to make informed choices. 

By Rhodante Lipsett

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Wednesday 17 October 2018


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Choosing Your Strategies

Why difference in strategies between Parenting job 1 and 2? The answer lies in the issue of motivation. If she is motivated, how long does it take a child to terminate an irritating Stop behavior like whining, arguing or teasing? The answer is about one second. It's really not a big project. Depending on how angry and oppositional a child is, ending occurrence of obnoxious behavior doesn't take tons of effort.

But now look at start behavior. How long does it take a child to accomplish something constructive, like eating dinner? Maybe twenty to twenty-five minutes. To pick up after himself? Perhaps fifteen minutes. To get ready for bed? twenty to thirty minutes. Ready for school? thirty minutes. Homework? School work might take anywhere from forty minutes to three years. So it's obvious that with start behavior, more motivation is required from the child. He has to begin the project, keep at it, and then finish. And the project is often something the child is not thrilled about having to do in the first place.

In addition, if encouraging positive behavior in kids requires more motivation from the kids, it is also going to require more motivation from Mum and Dad. As you'll soon see, putting an end to stop behavior by counting is relatively easy if you do it right. start behavior requires more sophisticated tactics.

In managing a behavioral difficult with one of your children, you will need to first determine if you have a stop or a start behavior problem. "is the issue something I want the child to quit? or is it something I want him or her to get on?" since counting is so easy, parents sometimes make the mistake of using counting start behavior (for example, counting a child to get her to do her homework).

As you will soon see, counting produces motivation that usually lasts only a short time (from a few seconds to a couple of minutes) in children and does not provide the lasting motivation needed to get a child to continue desired behavior. If you mix up tactics ( such as using the counting technique for homework), you will not get optimum results.

But don't worry. This whole procedure is so simple that you'll be an expert in no time. Effective discipline will start to come naturally and - believe it or not - your kids will start listening to you.

Parenting job 3 : Strengthening Your Relationship

Your final parenting job is to work on strengthening your relationship with your kids. This means making sure that screen time does not replace face-to-face time. More importantly, strengthening relationships means that you value enjoying one another's company. It is critical to your family's well-being and to your kids' self-esteem that you like (not just love) your children.

What does "liking" your children mean? here's an example. It's a Saturday and you're home by yourself for a few hours -  a rare occurrence!  Everyone has gone out. You're listening to some music and just puttering around. You hear a noise outside and look out to see a car pulling up in the driveway. One of your kids get out and head for the front door.

How do you feel in your gut right at that moment? If it's "Oh no, the fun's over!" that may not be like. If it's "Oh good, I've got some  company!" that's more like like.

Liking your children and having a good relationship with them is important for lots of reasons. The most important reason may be that it's simply more fun. Kids are naturally cute and enjoyable a lot of the time, and you want to take advantage of that valuable quality. And they only grow up with you once.

Strategies for Strengthening your relationship :

Practice sympathetic listening
Avoid over - parenting
Join in one-on-one fun
Solve problems together


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Parenting Job 1 - Controlling Obnoxious Behavior

and the first step in getting your family back on track, is controlling your children's obnoxious behavior, or stop behavior. Stop behavior includes frequent minor everyday issues, such as whining, disrespect, tantrums, arguing, teasing, fighting, pouting, yelling, and so on. Stop behavior - in and of itself - ranges from mildly irritating to pretty obnoxious. Each of these difficult behaviors may not be so bad on its own, but add them all up in one afternoon and by 5:00 p.m. you may feel like hitchhiking to South America.
For stop behavior, such as whining, arguing, screaming, and teasing, use the 1-2-3, or "counting" procedure. Counting is simple, gentle, and direct.

Strategies for Controlling Obnoxious Behavior

For Stop behavior, such as :

Use the 1-2-3 or "counting" procedure.

Parenting Job 2 - Encouraging Positive Behavior

The second parenting job is to encourage your's children positive behavior, or start behavior includes positive activities like cleaning rooms, doing homework, practicing the piano, getting up and out in the morning, going to bed, eating supper and being nice to other people. 

You have a start behavior problem when when your child is not doing something that would be a good thing to do.

For start behavior problems, you will have a choice of seven tactics. Which can be used either one at a time or in combination. These  tactics are praise, simple requests, kitchen timer, the docking system, natural consequences, charting and the counting variation. Start behavior strategies, as you can probably guess, require a little more thought and effort than counting does. 

Strategies for Encouraging Good Behavior
For start behavior, such us : 
Picking up
Up and out in the morning

Use praise, simple requests, kitchen timer, the docking system, natural consequences, charting and the counting variation.

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Tuesday 16 October 2018

Need a Nanny?

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Are you traveling with kids? 

You are probably dreaming of relaxation in Bali on your holiday - perhaps a date night at the romantic Restaurants or  cocktail and sunset overlooking the beach, or maybe you just an afternoon off so you can have a snooze or perhaps get a massage? Lots of accommodation places in Bali offer babysitting services, but it can be a bit daunting leaving your little kids in a new environment with someone you don't know. Having recommendations from others families helps to ease any doubts you may have about finding a nanny to suit your family and help help with any Bali babysitting services needs. 

The best way to organize babysitting in Bali is to contact wera kidz Bali, What app +6287757305689 or email The bali nanny cost from are 70,000 rp/hour for 1-2 children and 80,000 rp/hr for 3 children. If you have more than 3 children a second nanny will need to be organized. A transport fee is 50,000 rp for Seminyak, Kuta, Legian and Canggu, Sanur and ubud areas and for further out areas like Nusa Dua and ULuwatu - Jimbaran a transport fee of 100,000 rp each day.

Why Wera Kidz Bali?

Wera is a Preschool and Kindergarten's teacher at Alam Kidz School. She has been teaching for 10 years. She also a freelance educated nanny for 8 years. she is very friendly, warm , love children, creative, active, innovative, patient. 
her qualifications :
1. can swim
2. First Aid & CPR Trained on a yearly basic at BIMC (Bali International Medical Centre)
2. Good English
3. Good Personal Health and Hygiene
4. No Smoking
5. No Drinking
6. Police Checked (SKKB) 

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Alam Kidz Parties - Halloween Party

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Warm Greeting From Alam Kidz School!

Alam Kidz School is a school located in Desa Ketewel Gianyar Bali. Our school is built in the unique wooden style, with emphasis on the quality of the environment. we provide surroundings of exceptional beauty and orderliness, in a natural setting.

Our learning program sparks children's natural curiosity and instills the joy of learning through singing, dancing, art, story telling, and cultural celebration (Balinese Culture). 

We foster holistic development - physical, social - emotional, language, cognitive, creative, cultural - through our Three Frames of Learning ( Integrated Lesson, Academic Lesson and Connecting Lesson). 

We offer a distinctive developmental and child centered approach to schooling. Our professional and talented team of teachers and administrators are dedicated to the vision of providing an education that encourages young people to realize their potential and discover pathways to their future by being affirmed every present moment of everyday. Further, the nature and encourages awareness of their environment.

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Thursday 4 October 2018

Three Things You Can Do to Raise Happy, Healthy Kids

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WE HAVE THREE SEPARATE  parenting jobs that require different strategies. Each of these parenting jobs is distinct, manageable, and important. They also are interdependent; each relies to some extent on the others for its success. Ignore any of these tasks at your own risk! Do these three well, and you'll be a pretty good mom or dad. The first two parenting jobs involve discipline and behavior concerns, while the third focuses on the parents-child relationship.

  • Parenting Job 1 involves controlling obnoxious behavior. You will never like or get along well with your children if they are constantly irritating you with behavior such as whining, arguing, teasing, badgering, tantrums, yelling, and fighting. I will write new post to discuss how to use the 1,2,3  counting technique to control obnoxious behavior, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how effective that simple technique is!
  • Parenting Job 2 involves encouraging good behavior. Encouraging good behavior - such as picking up toys, going to bed, being courteous, and doing homework - requires more effort by parents (and more effort from kids to engage in the encouraged behavior) than controlling difficult behavior does. In next page, you will learn seven simple methods for encouraging positive action in your kids.
  • Parenting Job 3 is strengthening your relationship with your children. Some parents merely need to be reminded of parenting Job 3; other parents have to work hard at remembering to do it. Paying attention to the quality of your relationship with your children will help you with Jobs 1 and 2, and vice verse.
How do our three parentings jobs relate to the warm and demanding parenting traits? As you may have guessed already, the tactic for job 1, controlling obnoxious behavior, depends almost entirely on the demanding parent role. There's not much warm or fuzzy about it! Job 3, however, will rely almost entirely on the warm side of the parenting equation. And finally, Job 2, encouraging good behavior, will employ both warm and demanding strategies.

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Wednesday 3 October 2018

Art and Craft Ideas

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Give your child a chance to embrace his artistic side. Try these great arts and crafts ideas: Whether it's learning a new handcraft or getting messy with paints, your creative kid will love exploring the many ways to express him/herself

Love Heart - Cloud Kid's name Craft.
Practicing to write child's name is more fun with these craft ideas.

Self Portrait Collage Art

Easter Craft and egg Decoration

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Why Barefoot is Best for Baby

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Baby shoes are a big business these days! A miniature version of Dad’s favorite sneakers may be adorable, but research shows that it’s best for babies (and older kids, too) to be barefoot as much as possible.
Kids need shoes, of course. City sidewalks and snowy grounds aren’t barefoot-friendly, but warm homes, playgrounds and mud puddles are!

Why are Bare Feet Good for My Baby?

Unless you notice problems with your child’s foot development (more on this below), being barefoot is ideal. Here are some of the reasons why:
It allows for optimal foot development. At birth, the bones in your baby’s feet are soft. As he grows, the bones harden and the joints, ligaments and muscles in his feet develop. Studies suggest that children’s shoes (especially if they’re stiff, narrow, tight, or have an inflexible sole) can interfere with foot development because the foot conforms to the shoe instead of forming naturally.

It improves agility. When toddlers walk barefoot they tend to look up because the information they receive through their feet orients them and makes them feel secure. Shoes block that intake of information, so toddlers wearing them tend to look down and are more apt to topple over. Shoes can also restrict toe spread, which helps tots stay balanced.
Barefoot steps also boost coordination because they send messages to a child’s brain about how to organize his movement patterns and effectively navigate his body through space.
It promotes awareness. Being barefoot not only frees children to look up and around rather than at the floor, but also helps them learn to safely traverse different surfaces. Walking and running barefoot on hard floors, sand, grass, mud and the like gives children confidence to maneuver their bodies in different settings. Research has even suggested that being barefoot correlates with being less prone to injury.
It optimizes sensory motor development. There are as many as 200,000 nerve endings in the sole of one foot! Even before learning to stand and walk, being barefoot teaches babies about their bodies and their surroundings. Bare feet against swaddles, laps, beds, carseats, strollers and the ground exposes babies to different textures, temperatures, and opportunities to push with their feet and toes. Barefoot tummy time and crawling allows full freedom to use feet and toes for movement.

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Wednesday 19 September 2018

The Secrets for Parenting for Real and Lasting Change

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Ten Principles of Change You Need to Know
Here are the ten most important principles about change you need to know to help your child:

1. Most behaviors and attitudes are learned. Granted, some behaviors may be
influenced by biological factors, but most are learned. Our children learn those
behaviors, attitudes, and habits from what we teach them about the world and
from their experiences. Although there are some things we can’t change (such as
our child’s personality and physical characteristics), we can teach new behaviors
and habits and values and skills so that our child can handle her world and deal
with the genetic hand she was dealt. For instance, the shy kid can learn social
skills to become more confident in groups; the aggressive kid can learn anger
management skills; the impulsive kid can learn skills and techniques to stop and
think before he acts.

2. Most behavior can be changed. Because behaviors and attitudes are learned, they
can be changed. Most can be changed by using proven, research-based techniques.

3. Most behaviors need intervention. Don’t expect your kid to change on his
own. His behavior will most likely only get worse without your intervention.
Also, don’t think poor behavior is “just a phase that he’ll outgrow.” You’re just
providing more time for your kid’s bad behavior to become a habit. And then it
will be even tougher to change. That’s why the first step of every change in this
manual is called Early Intervention. That first step can help you nip the problem
before it becomes a habit.

4. Change agents must alter their response. You must be willing to use a more
effective way of responding so as to produce the desired change. After all, what
you’re currently doing isn’t working, right? An important change formula is
“Change yourself so you can change your child.” I’ll give you effective new
responses, but you must commit to using them and change your current
interaction. By doing so you’ll also be less likely to just react; instead, you will
respond more effectively. Your child is more likely to change if in responding you
• Stay calm. Be cool and calm in your tone and posture.
• Be respectful. Start requests with “Please.” When your child complies say,
“Thank you.”
• Get in close proximity. Being physically closer to your child increases the
likelihood that he will comply. So move closer to your child. Get down to eye
level when you make a request.
• Be direct. Explain what you want in a clear and direct way, and then expect
nothing less than full compliance.
• Model. Your child is watching you. Model the behavior you want her to copy.
• Be consistent. Use the new response everywhere and everywhere.

5. You are more likely to succeed if you target one change at a time. Don’t overwhelm
yourself or your child by trying to change too many behaviors at once. Instead
focus your energy on only one challenge at a time. That way you can develop a
much more specific behavior plan to eliminate the bad behavior.

6. Identifying the desired change is essential. Most parents have no problem naming
what they want to stop, but to achieve change you must also identify what behavior
you want instead. Usually the desired change is for the child to be doing the
exact opposite of what he is currently doing. The behavioral term for that is the
“positive reverse.” Only when you identify the positive reverse will you be able to
create a plan to turn things around. Use the “Goldilocks Question” to help you
identify the positive reverse: “What is my child using too much?” (The problem:
a whiny voice.) Next ask: “What is my child doing too little or not enough?” (The
desired change or positive reverse to aim for: “Using a more respectful tone.”)

7. Every unacceptable behavior needs a replacement. For every desired change, always
think: “If my child is to stop doing one behavior, what will she do instead?” No
behavior or attitude will change unless you teach another behavior, skill, or habit
to replace the current, inappropriate one. Without this step, chances are that the
child will revert to using the old misbehavior, and no change will take place.

8. Children need to rehearse the new behavior. Learning any new behavior takes
practice. And rehearsing or practicing the new skill, behavior, or attitude enough

times is what makes real change possible. The goal is for your child to be able to
use the replacement confidently in real life without your help. Psychologists call
that principle “reinforced practice,” and it is a crucial step for change. Science
shows that if the new replacement behavior is repeated enough, it actually rewires
a child’s brain such that she is far less likely to revert back to the troublesome
former behavior.

9. You need to reinforce the right action. Research shows that giving kids the right
kind of praise (called “positive reinforcement”) is one of the best ways to shape
new behavior. Science also shows that parents are more likely to point out the
negative behavior they don’t want. Result: no change. So catch your kid doing the
action you want. Just make sure your praise is specific and tells your child exactly
what she did right. (Adding “because” or “that” takes your praise up a notch. “I’m
so impressed that you started your homework all by yourself this time.”) Research
also proves that kids don’t need all those fancy and pricey rewards to change.
They do need acknowledgment for their efforts.

10. The Rule of 21 will keep you on course. Change takes time. Don’t expect your
thirty-minute Saturday night lecture to make more than a dent in your kid’s
behavior on Sunday. Give yourself and your child time to make that change really
happen. Learning new habits usually takes a minimum of twenty-one days of
repetition. A big parenting mistake is not sticking to a behavior plan long enough.
So whatever change you want, commit to your plan for at least twenty-one days.

Above all, here’s the most important principle to know: research proves that it’s

never too late to change. Even if the problem has been going on for a long time, don’t de-
spair—and never give up. Help is on the way. Small, temporary changes in what you do

can have lasting effects in changing your child’s behavior at home and at school.

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List Phonic Books for Children

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1. Oxford Reading Tree

Read with Oxford is a new of carefully level books to help children learn to read, and love to read. The Read with Oxford Stages recommended to use at home to support your child - from their first steps in phonics all the way through to being independent readers. 

The Oxford Reading tree is great resource to have at home, and the Read with Biff, chip & Kipper series has been especially developed to support learning at home.

Oxford Reading Tree Level 1,2 and 3

2. Jolly Phonics Readers

Jolly phonics readers come in 4 different levels, with 18 books per level. Each level includes fiction and non fiction titles as well as colorful illustrator. Level 1 starts with one short sentence per page and by level 4. Level 1 is one covered by red color, Level 2 covered by yellow color, level 3 covered by green color and level 4 covered by dark blue color

1. Level 1 - Red Level

2. Level 2 - Yellow Level

3. Level 3 - Green Level

4. Level 4 - Blue Level

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Many researchers have studied that children spend average of their time on different gadgets like telephone, radio, TV, games, xbox, ipod and stereo system. Kids use gadgets for various purposes like playing games, watching videos, listening songs, chatting with their friends, browsing different websites. They spend most of their time in these activities and don't pay attention to their posture, screen brightness, and screen distance from their eyes which ultimately affect their vision and health.

Staring at electronic screen continuously for long time causes distress. Kids suffer various problems like eye irritation or have difficulty to focus for a while. If we are facing problems to cope with screens, imagine how our child's eyes must be going through. In this era, we can't keep ourselves or our children away from these devices so we can try to minimize the impact of these devices on our children. It's really surprising a 2 year old baby can and knows how to use a gadget, similar to how a kid knows to use a feeding bottle. A study has been conducted in USA on kids and result shows 1 out of 3 children can use a tables or phone before before they even talk? 
A lot of research has been done on this type of phenomena; this session describes the negative impact of gadgets on children.

1. Speech or Language Delay 
In Order to understand the speech or language delay in children first we understand the different between the speech and language. Speech refers to verbal form of communication used bu humans, and language refers to the whole system of communication spoken or written, verbal and nonverbal. A child with a language delay might pronounce words well but only be able to put two words together. A child with a speech delay might use words and phrases to express ideas but be difficult to understand. Speech delay, also known as alalia, these two problems often overlaps. Many researchers have studied this and also concluded many theories about it. By using a screening tool, researchers studied that the more time children spends on smart phones, tablets and electronic games and other handheld devices the more likely the child have delay in expressive speech. Children will learn to talk and communicate through interaction with others. This is the way how they will learn communicate well if they are not communicating they are not learning. Every one minute that your child is spending on the screen time is one minute fewer that he could speak or learn with others. 

The study found that the more time children between the ages of six months and two years spent using handheld screens such as smart phones, tablets and electronic games, the more likely they were to experience speech delays.

2. Attention deficits
Attention deficit: Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is mental disorder. It refers to problems like paying attention, excess activity or has difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate. This can occur in children and cause them to be fidgety, unable to focus, restless and easily distracted. This change in behavior can cause problem at school or at home as well. 

3. Learning Problems
Children learn lot of things before the age of five event toddlers learning perspective is much faster than children. If they are using gadgets their time to communicate with their parents and learning is bounded. They need proper time talking with their parents so they can learn new words and how to communicate. They need their parents not gadgets. Also exposure of these gadgets a linked to cognitive delays and impairing learning. Researches at the university of Washington reveal that modern gadgets are not necessary in child development.

4. Anxiety
Anxiety is fear about future events and reaction to current events. These kinds of feelings may lead to various physical symptoms, like shakiness and fast heart rate. This phase is usually harmless and temporary but children who are suffering from anxiety experience nervousness, shyness and fear. They try to avoid people, places and activities. Child shows aggression or appears tense when they can't get online and this feeling magically goes when their devices are given back. This behavior can be easily notice. Dr. Graham says 'Child gets upset or shows anger when by small things and when they get online they become calmer. He said parents should not the signs of agitation, anxiety and irritation in children'. Dr. Watts added: It's pretty normal if a child gets upset not being anger or depression not being online then it's time to start a conversation.

5. Childhood Depression
Childhood depression is very common and severe medical illness that negatively affect child behavior. The way the think and act. Too much gadget use introduces depression in children of certain ages. It also leads mental health issues in children in childhood and adolescence. They may act depressed or we can see worst of these symptoms in a couple of days.

6. Negative Impact on Character
This is one of the biggest problems in this growing world of technology. Children use internet to see adult content rather to search for educational websites. This practice leads bad impact on their character. They forgot their moral values. They are the future of the country. They become mentally advanced beyond their age. 

J Depress Anxiety, an open access journal

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