Wednesday 24 October 2018

Preconception Care

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Parents' own health can effect that of their baby so aim to be in the best health possible for at least three months before conception,

Women are advised to avoid or limit alcohol. No level of alcohol can be considered 100% safe so you may choose to avoid it completely. The risk is highest from conception through the first weeks so you need to take care if there is any chance of your becoming pregnant. Alcohol travels through the mother's blood stream to her developing baby. Each mother and baby can be damaged by a particular level of alcohol. Each reacts individually to alcohol so it is difficult to know how little or how much will cause harm. At all times avoid a high blood alcohol level before and throughout pregnancy. Never become intoxicated. 

If women does drink alcohol, present research suggests that averaging less than one standard drink daily shows no measurable effect on the baby's physical and mental Growth development. She should not exceed two standard drinks in any one day and these should be taken slowly over a period of at least two hours. She should have less than seven standard drinks over a week. 

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), have published information on guidelines for women who drink alcohol who are pregnant or might soon become pregnant.

To maximize health during pregnancy you can also :

  • Choose a wide range of food and limit caffeine intake;
  • take a folic acid supplement as recommended by your health adviser. When taken before conception and in early pregnancy it helps to guard against neural tube defects such as spina-bifida;
  • take no illicit drugs.
  • if possible avoid any drugs including over-the-counter medications. If you take routine medication or do need prescribed medication for a temporary condition do let your doctor know that you are hoping to become, or may be pregnancy;
  • balance exercise and rest; and
  • do not smoke particularly during pregnancy and your baby's first year.
Do not share a bed or room with your baby if either you or your partner smoke, do not allow other people to smoke near your baby and avoid any area where people are smoking.
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